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Guide To The Toolshed Framework

The Framework

Welcome to the Toolshed Framework. We want you to make the most of our startup resources and to guide your new business to success. This guide will explain what the Toolshed framework is, what it offers, and how you can best utilize it to benefit you and your new business.



You’ve probably heard of the scientific method. It’s been used since the 17th century to generate countless innovations that have formed our society and that we often for granted. In recent decades, the scientific method has also been adopted in the business world, to adapt quickly and effectively to customer expectations and change.
























The Scientific Method by Science Buddies


During the 1980s and 1990s, Toyota introduced scientific thinking to their car production lines. They developed a new way of working that focused on continuous improvement, creating new methods to apply this mindset to car production. Learning from their work, the Lean methodology was developed and adopted by many manufacturing companies to improve quality and efficiency.


In 2001, a group of software engineers adapted Toyota’s approach and Lean principles when drafting the Agile Manifesto, setting in motion a revolution in software development.


Since then, the Agile mindset has also been adopted by innovative businesses as a management approach.


In 2011l, Eric Ries published The Lean Startup, which focuses on the application of an agile, scientific learning process when developing new products. The Lean Startup approach has been used successfully by a variety of Silicon Valley technology start-ups. You can learn more about him and his method on his website.


The Toolshed approach is rooted in Lean Startup theory, refined through years of mentoring practice,


Framework Objectives


​Our twin goals can be summarised as:

  • Make more startup owners and their businesses successful.

  • Help you consciously decide about the viability of your startup before investing your time, energy, and money.



The Toolshed framework consists of a few key stages. Each of these stages is shown as a door on the Member Hub page. Behind each door are a range of resources that will help you learn how to shape, build and grow your business.

  • Startup Vision: Articulate and test your business idea by telling the story of your startup vision.

  • Business Plan: Design your business by creating a business plan.

  • Metrics & KPI's: Set important targets and goals before you launch.

  • Acquire Startup Funding: Acquire the funding you need to start and operate your business until it breaks even.

  • Launch: Build a working business based on your plan.

  • Product-Market Fit: Continually adapt your business during operation.


Using the framework

You can choose to follow the Toolshed framework from end-to-end, or dip in whenever you need a boost. To explore one of the stages, simply click on its door to access the detailed description page. Here you’ll find:

  • A description of the stage steps and how each works.

  • Learning resources such as guides, blog posts, tools, templates, and external web links that can help you with each step.


Facilities supporting the framework

Below the doors, on the Member Home page, are links to resources that can help you build and accelerate your business:

  • Startup Resources – Explore resources available on the site, including some not linked to in the framework. For example:

    • Blog

    • Resource Library including interactive tools and templates

    • Web Link Resource Library

    • Recommended Reading List

    • Podcasts

  • Community Forum – Access our community of founders and mentors. Share your experiences, ask for help, help others, or just hang out.

  • Latest News – find out what’s been happening at the Toolshed.

  • Expert Advice – If you’re really stuck, or require some face-to-face advice, book a 1-1 mentoring session with our founder and expert mentor, Derek Williams.



We want to make your startup journey enjoyable, successful, and as easy as possible. If you find any aspect of the site confusing or somehow lacking, please post advice to the Toolshed on our Contact Form and we’ll improve it.


Finally, if you’re feeling lost, head to the Toolshed Community Forum, and get some help from a fellow founder or an expert mentor.

Scientific method

Structure your new business for success:

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